קפבקThese are 480VAC/3PH/60HZ to 400VDC/1PH Converters with 400VDC battery based storage. They convert 480 VAC (RMS) 3 phase AC power to 400 VDC 1 phase DC power, and store it in batteries used to recharge the batteries in the vehicles. When the batteries are not recharging a vehicle battery they are being recharged from the utility company supplied 480 VAC power.Converters are similar to a rectifier but also change voltage. They select the voltage range desired to be used during the sine wave voltage change from 0 to +/- 690 volts and turn off (“chop”) voltages below or above that range, and achieving uniform amperage and voltage. 480 VDC to 400 VDC or 800 VDC are typical converters.The voltage output is matched to the battery voltage in the vehicle. Most EVs then create a higher voltage to be used to power the vehicle motors and invert the DC power to 3 phase AC.https://www.electronicdesign.com/markets/automotive/article/21806694/highvoltage-solutions-take-over-hevev-designsInput voltages are 575 VAC in Canada and 380 VAC in many other parts of the world. 800 V powןקer is becoming popular for EVs due to higher efficiencies without significantly higher costs.https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electric_power_conversion
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יפתח דרור (שיחה | תרומות)
(שם:קפבקThese are 480VAC/3PH/60HZ to 400VDC/1PH Converters with 400VDC battery based storage. They convert 480 VAC (RMS) 3 phase AC power to 400 VDC 1 phase DC power, and store it in batteries used to rech)
מעבר להשוואת הגרסאות הבאה ←
(שם:קפבקThese are 480VAC/3PH/60HZ to 400VDC/1PH Converters with 400VDC battery based storage. They convert 480 VAC (RMS) 3 phase AC power to 400 VDC 1 phase DC power, and store it in batteries used to rech)
מעבר להשוואת הגרסאות הבאה ←
גרסה מתאריך 15:25, 27 בפברואר 2021
סיווג: מצוק
מקור:יפתח דרור
תאריך עדכון: 2/27/2021 15:25:26
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